ZKX OG Trade Has Officially Launched Mainnet

OG Trade is a special product of ZKX – the leading Perpetual contract exchange on Starknet, designed to serve those short-term scalping traders, bringing many exciting experiences with direct rewards of $ZKX token airdrop every 30 minutes of trading.

“It’s trade or die”

What are the interesting points here? OG Trading is designed differently from a regular user interface. Join one-click trading to compete with other traders on assets including: ETH, SOL & BTC. The reward for the winner is locked $ZKX tokens, PVL (Profit, Volume & Loss) Badges and exclusive NFTs for each Clan.

Essentially, user deposits are always in the ZKX account, where the user is in complete control. The user experience is built seamlessly through the appchain design, allowing transactions without gas fees, transparent and fast mismatch matching.

That’s not all! What’s really special is the Clans – The user’s personal trading style, expressed through their onchain activity history will be used as a condition for joining the 4 available Clans. Let’s dig deeper in the next part!!

Prepare for the game

The purpose of building this exchange is not simply to create another Perp Dex. The goal is not only to provide an exchange that can cater to all levels of traders, but also to be built around the vision of a comprehensive solution for DeFi.

Of course, this strategy sounds attractive but it also requires maximum patience and hard work. The ZKX Core development team has worked xxxxx hours to make this vision a reality.

We spend a lot of time, physical and mental focus to ensure users enjoy this trading competition by ensuring safety, control and exploring all you can do in Decentralized Finance. Additionally, ZKX has been audited twice by Nethermind Security.

Right now we will go to the main content of the blog, divided into 3 large parts as follows:

  • Part 1: OG Trade
  • Part 2: Reward Zone
  • Part 3: ZKX OG Clans

Part 1: OG Trade

ZKX OG Trade Has Officially Launched Mainnet

Traders will continuously compete every 30 minutes to compete for rewards according to 3 parameters: Profit, loss and trading volume (PLV).

Those who reach the top of the PLV parameters will receive independent badges for the parameters corresponding to the 3 levels Gold, Silver and Bronze.

ZKX OG Trade Has Officially Launched Mainnet


At OG Trading, you participate in a 30-minute contest with other traders in the same trading asset pair.

Based on your trading skills, you will qualify for the “Reward Zone” if you are at the top of the leaderboard in any aspect of: Profit, trading volume and loss (that’s right , including losses).

For example:

  1. Let’s say you are CTlord96 in ZKX OG Trade.
  2. Remember you can open a position on any of the above three trading assets, the reward will be evaluated based on the PLV aspects when you close the trading position.
  3. To be sure to get into the Rewards Zone, try to be in the top 10% in every aspect of the PVL of the selected asset.
  4. The color of the Reward zone displays green for Profit parameter, blue for Trading Volume and red for.
  5. Top 3 traders will receive Gold, Silver and Bronze badges based on their PVL parameters on the leaderboard.

Now let’s get to the most exciting part – Rewards

Part 2: Reward Zones And Incentives

To stimulate the mainnet launch, 7 million ZKX tokens (out of 18%) will be gradually distributed throughout the 2 months of trading.

What is Rewards Zone?

Being in the Rewards Zone means you receive a reward of ZKX tokens, and there are some other rules:

  • The top 10% of traders from each Profit, Volume and Loss factor will be in the Rewards Zone, with a maximum limit of 100 traders.
  • While the top 3 traders will receive the majority of the rewards, the rest of the top 10% will all receive an equal number of tokens.
  • The reward pool includes 260 $ZKX per Profit, Volume and Loss elements
  • A total of 781 $ZKX are allocated as trading rewards per asset (BTC/ETH/SOL) every 30 minutes.

Ranking mechanism

  • If the number of participants is less than 10 people: The reward will be divided by 100% of the participants.
  • If the number of participants is between 11-100 people: The reward will be divided among the top 10 people.
  • If the number of participants is between 101-1000 people: The reward will be divided among the top 10% of the participants.
  • If the number of participants is greater than 1000 people: The reward will be divided among the top 100 people.

Example 1:

  • The number of traders participating in the trading contest is: 200
  • The number of traders eligible for the bonus is: 200*10% = 20
  • Therefore, Reward Zone = 20

To better understand Reward Zone, refer to this section

How are rewards calculated?

$ZKX (locked) is allocated in the following way:

Every trader who belongs to the Reward Zone will receive a share (65%) divided by the number of traders, called Reward Zone Premium, the remaining part (35%):

  • 1st place: 20% of total session tokens + Reward Zone Premium
  • 2nd place: 10% of total session tokens + Reward Zone Premium
  • 3rd place: 5% of total session tokens + Reward Zone Premium

Example 1:

  • Reward area size: 100
  • Total number of traders: 1000
  • Tokens allocated to session: 260
  • Reward zone premium = ( 260 * 65%) / 100 = 1.69 $ZKX per trader
  • 1st place: 20% * 260 + 1.69 = 52 + 1.69 = 53.69
  • 2nd place: 10% * 260 + 1.69 = 26 + 1.69 = 27.69
  • 3rd place: 5% * 260 + 1.69 = 13 + 1.69 = 14.69
  • 4th place to 100th place = 1.69

Part 3: ZKX OG Clans

ZKX OG Trade Has Officially Launched Mainnet

Participation regulations

  • There are 4 Clans organized, each person’s onchain activity history will play a role in determining which Clan’s eligibility to join.
  • Membership in a Clan is registered on a First-Come, First-Served basis
  • Exclusive Clan NFTs are minted on the ZKX Account of Starknet. These NFTs are like a keepsake

What are the benefits of joining a Clan?

  • Participation in OG Trading, Clans, and Community Campaign are conditions to receive Phase 2 Airdrop.
  • Airdrop Phase 2 allocates up to 12.1% of the total supply of $ZKX (2.9% allocated from Airdrop Phase 1) to Community Launch Tokens.
  • There is a VIP Telegram group for members of Clans such as Ethereum Titans and DeFi High Roller.

Check if you are eligible to join Pachinko Degen, Yakuza Baron, DeFi High Roller, Ethereum Titan Clans here.

All these features set the ZKX apart from the competition. We believe today’s announcement is just the beginning of what’s possible.

Get ready to trade Perps…..GAMIFIED.

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